Artur Krzykowski, PhD in law, advocate, managing partner, negotiator, strategic advisor, expert, author of numerous scientific publications, for more than a dozen years associated close cooperation with leading law firms that provide services to operators in the country and abroad.
- Founder and leader of the AKLEGAL Law Firm.
- A specialist inter alia in the private law sensu largo (civil, commercial, economic, law, conveyancing, competition protection, copyrights, procedural law) and public law (public procurement law, construction and administrative law)
- Winner of several awards, inter alia he was honored by the Gazeta Prawna daily and the LEXISNEXIS publishing house in a prestigious contest Rising Stars – lawyers – leaders of tomorrow. The contest jury selected only 30 lawyers from entire Poland, leaders of tomorrow, rising stars of the law, in view of exceptional professional achievements, creativity (innovativeness), individual approach to the Client, involvement and passion they demonstrate in their everyday work. Advocate Artur Krzykowski, PhD, was one of the first top ten winners.
- As part of cooperation with the United Nations, as the only lawyer, advocate Artur Krzykowski, PhD, was invited to the group of Economy Angels – the first ten in Poland, who support with their experience and knowledge economic undertakings as part of the UN program promoting corporate social responsibility.
- A reputable specialist not only in various areas of the Polish law but also model law and international conventions concerning assignment of receivables in Polish and international practice, including inter alia the following: Principles of European Contract Law; Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts, Rome 2004; Unidroit Ottawa Convention on International Factoring of 28 May 1988; United Nations New York Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade of 12 December 2001.
- Author of the first on the Polish market comprehensive monograph dedicated to contractual limitations in the freedom of assignment entitled Contractual limitations in assignment of receivables (pacta de non cededno) in Polish and international trade (published by CH Beck 2012).
- Negotiator involved in numerous transactions involving, among others, acquisition of real estate for investment purposes, the implementation of complex infrastructure projects, negotiating construction contracts, transformation of commercial companies, the sale of shares.
- Expert counseling, among others, national railway infrastructure manager (PKP PLK SA) in the restructuring of railway transport, the amendment of the Act of 8 September 2000 on the commercialization, restructuring and privatization of the state enterprise „Polish State Railways”, as well as advising a consortium of ALSTOM Power, among others, as the performer of the power unit in Bełchatow.
- Author of numerous legal opinions, including the ability to defend the so-called de lege lata. „Ownership split vertically”. The issue of “ownership split vertically” is related to the analysis of the possibility of ascension and the acquisition of ownership by investors of buildings on the railways or road, the foundations of which are within the perimeter roadway. The solution of this problem required the indication of the legal means to achieve on the ground right in rem effect, introducing an exception to the principle of super-ficies solo cedit
- For several years he advised on legal matters administered by a global network of advertising agencies and media houses (including Saatchi & Saatchi Poland, Zenith Optimedia)
Advocate Artur Krzykowski, PhD, performed as one of proxies or strategic advisors in dozens of court proceedings or arbitration, including the widely commented in the media, among others:
- in the precedent case of the publisher of the weekly WPROST in proceedings for a declaration of enforceability of a judgment of the American ( Cimoszewicz vs. WPROST);
- in the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce representing the company Polish Airports (PPPL) in one of the biggest construction disputes in Central Europe, on a comprehensive expansion of the airport. F. Chopin in Warsaw, conducted based on the FIDIC Yellow (case pending) with a consortium of Budimex SA, Ferrovial Agroman SA and Estudio Lamela, S. L.;
- representing one of the largest retail chains in Europe in cases of violation of the principles of fair competition (e. g. by downloading the so-called “shelf”);
- representing the bankruptcy trustee of the Global Hotel in Krakow in a construction dispute against the general contractor building of the hotel object class Holiday Inn – Exbud Skanska, in this case the Supreme Court was three times involved;
- in a dispute involving the Glass Industry in Poland SA on the issue of restitution and the foundations of property rights, the importance of good faith and spontaneous ownership, in which the Supreme Court was three involved, in the composition of the 7 judges;
- as an attorney in numerous proceedings complaints regarding government procurement, representing, among others, companies from the telecommunications, construction and energy (e. g. consortia of companies Alstom, TTCOM) in the biggest Polish matters of public contracts whose value was calculated in billions of U.S. Dollars);
- co-author of a number of complaints and appeals and attorney in numerous proceedings before the Supreme Court.
- Defending PhD dissertation at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw in the Institute of Civil Law in the Department of Comparative Civil Law entitled Contractual limitations in freedom of assignment of receivables written under the direction of professor Adam Brzozowski. Reviewers: Professor Kazimierz Zawada, Supreme Court Justice, and professor Wojciech Kocot;
- Bar examination in the Regional Bar Association in Warsaw with grade: very good;
- Advocats Trainee at the Regional Bar Association in Warsaw
- University of Warsaw, law at the Faculty of Law and Administration. Individual curriculum. Diploma with honours (average grade: 4.93);
- English and European Law Course at the British Centre for English and European Legal Studies (University of Cambridge)..
- Monograph entitled Contractual limitations in assignment of receivables (pacta de non cededno) in Polish and international trade (published by C.H. Beck 2012 (more (polish only)…)
Autor, niezależnie od propozycji kompleksowej reinterpretacji przepisów kodeksowych (art. 57, 509, 514 k.c.), wskazuje na konieczność podjęcia prac nad ich nowelizacją i wprowadzenie, w miejsce obecnie obowiązującego modelu monistycznego, systemu dualistycznego ograniczenia swobody cesji, z uwzględnieniem szczególnego znaczenia wierzytelności pieniężnych. Ich przelew wbrew zastrzeżeniu, w przeciwieństwie do wierzytelności niepieniężnych, powinien być co do zasady ważny i skuteczny, nie wykluczając odpowiedzialności ex contractu zbywcy wobec dłużnika. Potrzeba zmian jest jednakże głębsza. Kwestia skuteczności wobec nabywcy pactum de non cedendo wiąże się bowiem nierozerwalnie z ochroną nabywcy wobec zbywcy w ramach odpowiedzialności za wady prawne przelanej wierzytelności (art. 516 KC) oraz treścią zarzutów, z jakich może skorzystać dłużnik wobec nabywcy (art. 513 KC).
Uwzględnienie potrzeb nowoczesnego obrotu wierzytelnościami ilustruje znakomicie niemiecki kodeks handlowy, francuski kodeks walutowy i finansowy, czy amerykański Uniform Commercial Code. Wzorem dla proponowanego w pracy podejścia są także rozwiązania przewidziane w prawie modelowym (Zasady Europejskiego Prawa Kontraktów – Principles of European Contract Law; Zasady Międzynarodowych Kontraktów Handlowych UNIDROIT z 2004 r. – Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts, Rzym 2004) oraz konwencyjnym (Konwencji ottawskiej o faktoringu międzynarodowym z 1988 r. – Unidroit Convention on International Factoring); Konwencji nowojorskiej o przelewie wierzytelności w handlu międzynarodowym z 2001 r. – United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade). Monografia stanowi pierwsze na rynku polskim tak kompleksowe omówienie problematyki umownych ograniczeń swobody przelewu wierzytelności.
- Commercial Law Review 4/2011 Contractual limitations in assignment of receivables in conventio and model law – comparative law remarks
- Commercial Law Review 5/2011 Contractual limitations in assignment of receivables in the Civil Code – proposed reinterpretation and conclusions de lege ferenda
- Rotation plots of land on the Internet – legal analysis (download the report…)
- Beware of leasing contracts (more…)